Away from the courts this offseason, Rafael Nadal serves as inspiration for a variety of things, from a theater show premise to a celebrity pair's new baby name.

Actors Rose Byrne (from Bridesmaids) and Bobby Cannavale (from BlueJasmine) were inspired by the latter's heritage and the Bull from Majorca in naming their second son Rafa.

"I hadn't given one of my children a Latin name yet, so I wanted to honor my mom's side of the family," Cannavale told Entertainment Tonight. "And, you know, Rafael Nadal had such a great year, and we were constantly keeping up with him and watching all his matches, so we were like, 'How about Rafa? That goes well with Rocco.' And that was it.'"

Byrne and Cannavale have another son, the nearly 2-year-old Rocco Robin, in addition to Jake, Cannavale's 22-year-old son from a previous marriage. Baby Rafa was born in November and to date shows no sign of being left-handed, desiring that all baby-food labels face the same way or picking at his shorts anymore than a newborn would.

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