
By Jackie, TW Social Director

[Programming note: Posting this a little earlier than planned since many of you are already tuning into all the red carpet "action."]

Welcome to our first TW Oscar party! Come on in and take a seat 'round the TV.

Last night I caught some of the Independent Spirit Awards, which saw The Wrestler and Mickey Rourke come away with Best Picture and Best Actor honors. Can I hope that this bodes well for Rourke tonight? (If not the film, which wasn't nominated. Tsk.) It'd serve me right if he didn't win, considering how much I keep talking about it!

Speaking of the Oscar nominations, you can see them all here. Any predictions? Here are some of mine: I'll go with Slumdog Millionaire (Best Picture), Mickey Rourke (Best Actor), Kate Winslet (Best Actress), Heath Ledger (Best Supporting Actor), and Penelope Cruz (Best Supporting Actress). Do I feel lucky?

Oops, I better tend to the snacks and drinks before all my guests arrive. Maybe I should just wait to see what everyone brings - I know jb's equipped with champagne and Beth is stopping by Spago for a few fancy pizzas (I hope one of them's vegetarian!).

Make yourself at home and feel free to gossip about the fashion hits and misses, give "play-by-plays" (it'll be like an Oscar match call!), critique the winners and losers ... whatever you please.

And try not to make too much of a mess, yeah? Have fun, everyone!