Well, I'm off to the farm in game-rich Andes in about an hour. It turns out that Steggy snuck out this morning to go see an orthopedist. She was playing tennis late last night (playing "caps" between service receptions, were we?) and she did something to her shoulder. She sloughed it off in true Hillbilly Princess fashion, and, in her own words, "forgot about it and went to sleep."

She woke up in agony this morning. Turned out, she had dislocated her shoulder (serving - serving tennis balls, I might add). The doctor gave her the well-earned lecture and forbade tennis for at least six weeks. Now she feels a sharp pain in her right shoulder every time she moves. Poor Steggs.

Still, she's going to soldier on, and will probably post at least one item over the weekend. We have her Monday Net Post to look forward too, and then the same-old/same-old next week, including announcing the winner of the FATBCAPS - First Annual TennisWorld Bec Cartwright Armadillo Poetry Slam.