* !Rafa by Jackie Roe, TW Social Director*

Hi gang! Last week, I debuted a new Deuce Club chapter (is that what I should call it?), centered on getting better acquainted with the TWibe . . . learning more about the men/women behind the monikers. (Click here to see the post.) I decided the best—and easiest—way to do this was to have TWibers take an "All About Me" questionnaire that my friends and I circulated in our teenage years. Tan was our first “subject" last week, and tonight I'm excited to spotlight another brave TW/DC regular. This poster’s responses will make his or her identity pretty obvious, but I figured I’d spice things up a bit and turn this into a guessing game. (Prize for a correct answer is yet to be determined. Suggestions are welcome.)

So now, here’s __!

Enjoy the weekend, TWibe!