Billie Jean King made an appearance, in a way, on NBC's "Saturday Night Live" over the weekend. "Oh, you bet I'm tough," Kate McKinnon, portraying King, said as she pushed the spectacles up on her face. "I won twelve Grand Slams wearing glasses." Laughter ensued on the sketch show, but McKinnon continued: "And not sports glasses. They were four and a half pounds and issued by the government."

Check out the full clip below:

McKinnon, notably a hilarious performer game for anything, as well as a lesbian herself, went on a mini-"rant" about the events comprising the Winter Olympics: "You know what is a sport? Tennis! The primal grunting of two she-beasts with arms like the masts of a pirate ship."

Speaking as Billie Jean, she said that, if President Barack Obama needed to free her from Vladimir Putin's Russia due to any political protest on her account while there, he could bail her out "or just send [Martina] Navratilova with the cast of Orange Is the New Black. They'll know what to do."

This was hardly the first time tennis and SNL have collided. Andy Roddick and Chris Evert have hosted the show, and New York City native John McEnroe has appeared on it a number of times.

What did you think of the BJK bit on "Weekend Update"?

Thanks to Spin reader [@TennisD3b for the tip.]

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