"Lieben Dank für euer Mitgefühl und eure Anteilnahme in dieser schweren Zeit."

So said the daughter, the one who learned much from and lived through so much from her father. The translation: "Thanks for your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time."

So said the Facebook post from Stefanie Graf, yesteryear's girl known as Steffi, on December 1. Her father, Peter, had passed. Theirs was a tumultuous relationship, with a breach of trust over a tax issue exacerbated by the harsh glare of the spotlight and the fact that their strained situation played out publicly.

On her website, Stefanie and brother Michael saluted their father, noting that they are grateful for time spent with him and what he instilled in them, notably and especially when they were young: "He was a good father as well as a good grandfather. We are grieving our loss quietly with family and close friends."

Of course Graf will grieve quietly. We have seen over time that she's given to do most everything quietly, not the least of which was vanquishing her opponents on the tennis court. Perhaps the only thing that she does loudly is love. And this is how it should be.

How will you remember Peter Graf?

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