Bernard Tomic's name has come up in testimony involving a drug trafficking case against an Australian nightclub owner, according to court documents.

The Gold Coast Bulletinreports that a teenage girl testified that Tomic had told her he possessed large amounts of cocaine, apparently during a party. An owner of two local nightclubs, Jamie Pickering, has been arrested and charged with supplying cocaine to minors at his apartment, with Tomic in attendance for at least one of the parties at which the alleged offenses are said to have occurred. Police have not suggested Tomic was involved or made any charges against him.

One of the teenage girls present said she had not been told cocaine was present, according to court documents cited by the publication. "The only exception to that statement was when Bernard Tomic stated to her on one occasion that he had $50,000 worth of cocaine," said the judgement from magistrate Ron Kilner.

The judgment ordered a trial to decide the charges.

The nightclub owner and Tomic's friend, who denies the charges, said Tomic was just talking. "If it was said, I know it was in jest. I know for a fact he doesn’t touch anything," said Pickering. " She says he said that—it’s just a joke and it’s obviously gone the wrong way."

Tomic was said by police to have taken underage girls to the party but was not otherwise considered a person of interest in the investigation.